Did you know?
Depending on the size of a family, the cost of sponsoring a refugee to Canada is between $18,000 and $50,000 for their first year. This can be a huge barrier for refugees and their families. Since 2020, Naomi House has sponsored 191 refugees to Canada from 13 countries.
If you would like to contribute specifically towards bringing a refugee(s) to Canada. Please contact Candace Loewen at citychurchsah@gmail.com for further information. Or when you click the donate button, choose refugee sponsorship.
Donate today to make a difference
Please be sure to choose Naomi House from the dropdown options as the recipient of your generosity.
Donations can also be made by cheque, in-person or by mail. Please make cheques out to 'City Church of Winnipeg INC'
Naomi House
700 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 0B1
Remember- never send cash via Canada Post.