According to The UN Refugee Agency as of February 13, 2023, there are…
103 million forcibly displaced people worldwide
32.5 million refugees worldwide
53.2 million internally displaced people worldwide
4.9 million asylum-seekers worldwide
36.5 million forcibly displaced children worldwide
That’s too many.
Canada is the only country in the world where you can sponsor a refugee by name. Since 2020, Naomi House has helped 308 refugees settle into their new lives in Canada.
Learn more about sponsorship here
Refugee Sponsorship
The world refugee crisis is growing. Let’s do something about it.
At Naomi House, we sponsor refugees by name, bring them to Canada, and help them rebuild their lives. We are changing the course for entire families for generations to come.
While Naomi House has always focused on refugee support, we took an important step in 2020 to become a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH). This allows us to sponsor more refugees, and advocate for them while they are still overseas. It has become an important part of our ministry, and it’s transforming lives both for the refugees who arrive and the people who welcome them.
What is a SAH?
A Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) is a branch of the larger Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSR). A SAH has an agreement with the federal government to sponsor a set number of refugees each year. The SAH is responsible to provide financial and settlement support for the refugee’s first year in Canada. Privately-sponsored refugees arrive in Canada as permanent residents.
Naomi House partners with co-sponsors to assist with the financial commitment and settlement support of newcomers in Winnipeg and surrounding areas. We then walk alongside newcomers as they adjust to their new lives in Canada.
This includes:
- Finding housing
- Opening bank accounts
- Driving to medical appointments
- Applying for health benefits
- Enrolling children in school
- Grocery shopping
- Learning about public transportation
- Learning language
… and much, much more

Are you hoping to sponsor a specific refugee(s)?

Please note that Naomi House cannot assist refugees who do not have a sponsor in Manitoba.
Don’t know a specific refugee but what to learn more about how you can be involved? Join one of our quarterly sponsorship Information sessions. Please go to the Events page for the date of the next event. Or contact citychurchsah@gmail.com.
If you are a refugee please email: sponsorshipinquiry.citychurch@gmail.com.